Wanderer of Productivity Week: Marianne Therrien

Work Wanderers Retreat: Bali 2019

Can you tell us a bit more about you and what you do?

My name is Marianne, I’m a Canadian freelancer and photographer. I’ve been traveling and working from the road since 2014. I like to travel slowly and spend a couple of months in every country I visit.

Tell us about your remote work journey

My remote work journey all started when I met my partner. He was already working as a freelancer online. I started getting into it when we were traveling in Thailand, and we started running out of money, meaning we had to come back home. I couldn’t see myself going back to my old life, so I started researching what type of skills I could sell online!

Looking back, were you always a productive worker?

Not really to be honest! I’m someone who works very well under pressure and with deadlines. I’m usually last minute on everything, but it’s always on time!

What made you become more productive when joining the Bali Work Wanderers Retreat?

The Work Wanderers Retreat introduced me to coworking spaces. In 5 years of being a digital nomad, I’ve always worked solely from my hotel room or coffee shops. This was a revelation for me! The atmosphere there really pushes you to concentrate and work harder while working as you are surrounded by other freelancers. I got so much more work done every single day, far more than if I worked at my hotel for example. During the retreat, I’ve also learned to set weekly goals which I never used to do and I have kept this habit since then!

How are you trying to stay productive during the lockdown?

While I usually work on my kitchen table, this solution doesn’t work during the lockdown as there are many people staying at home as well. I have since built myself a little workspace where I can work efficiently. I brought my whiteboard with my weekly and daily tasks which helps organize my workload in my head. I’m taking advantage of this quiet time for our business to redesign our website, and doing many little projects I’ve been wanting to do for years but didn’t take the time to.

Do you have any productivity tips or hacks?

At the beginning of the lockdown, my daily habits didn’t really change and I quickly realized that I was wasting a lot of time during the day. I found that putting on ‘real’ clothes in the morning, rather than staying in joggers, really helped lift my mood and enhance my productivity. Also, COFFEE, that’s my biggest productivity tip 😛

Check out Mariannes website and social media profiles below and support a fellow Wanderer.

Website:  www.madetwotravel.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madetwotravel/

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